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We are deeply experienced in delivering outcome driven consulting services to national and local nonprofits.  Our services include, but are not limited to:



Fundraising and Grant Writing

Fundraising and grant writing are both critical roles in a nonprofit charged with bringing money into the organization.  We offer consulting services to organizations with an existing development program, as well as smaller organizations needing to outsource this function until they earn the right to instill a dedicated department. We offer the expertise and know-how to drive efforts for the lifeblood of nonprofits.


Program Development and Evaluation

Program development and evaluation is extremely useful.  Nonprofits have to satisfy the increasing external demand for accountability and to more accurately measure their impacts and successes. The nonprofits that have utilized evaluation most successfully are those that have embraced them by fully integrating them into their programs and operations, involving staff, stakeholders, and board members to produce continuous internal improvements that build on prior successes and increase impact.  We help develop programs that are outcomes based, and also help with evaluation tools prior to program development or develop evaluations for program viability.


Strategic Planning and Implementation

A strategic planning process identifies where and how an organization will best advance its mission. Ideally, as staff and board engage in the process, they become committed to measurable goals, approve priorities for implementation, and also commit to revisiting the organization’s strategies on an ongoing basis as the organization's internal and external environments change. We help nonprofits by identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, internally and externally with an eye to outcomes and goals to articulate an implementation plan that is measurable and nimble.


Fiscal Management and Budgeting

Financial sustainability is the commitment of board and staff to financial management that includes timely review of financial reports and advance planning. One way that board and staff plan for income and expenses in the future is by creating a budget. Approval of the annual budget is one of the fundamental building blocks of sound financial management.  We assist organizations in creating an annual budget that is consistent with the nonprofit’s strategy and aligned with outcomes.  The budget is then used as a guide, as financial positions may change based on funding and advancement efforts.


Networking, Outreach & Volunteer Management

Networking, community outreach and volunteer coordination are critical to many nonprofits.  We assist organizations with a holistic approach to community outreach by promoting the mission of the nonprofit among the local community.  We also can assist in organizing events, recruiting volunteers, or arranging other projects to get the community excited about and invested in the organization.

Is your strategy executable? Are you getting the results you need?

We bring for-profit strategies and tools to achieve excellent outcomes for the nonprofit sector to make it more efficient in producing change and awareness to their missions.

– Robin McGovern

   Managing Director, Bridgehead Partners

Bridgehead Partners LLC

(609) 759-1360

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Princeton, New Jersey   •   Columbia, South Carolina   •   Libertyville, Illinois

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